Friday, November 7, 2008

Time Flies!

Has it really been more than 2 weeks since I last posted to this blog?
Sorry about that, guys, but things have been hectic.
It's a good opportunity to note the passage of time.
We are wrapping up the second 6 weeks.
Folks, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Many of you have a C or D average in my class, which is unacceptable in a Pre-AP/IB course.
It's not too late to decide to turn things around.
I do not exaggerate when I tell you that I have seniors every year who tell me that they miss the Top 10 percent because of a low grade they made when they were freshmen or sophomores.
This isn't middle school--it counts. Every day you decide not to read, or you decide not to study, is another nail in your coffin. You are narrowing your choices, and you will regret it later. Imagine if you can't get into a good school, or if you can't get scholarships, because of your low GPA! By doing poorly in school now, you are literally costing your future self money that you will have to repay in the form of student loans. This is money that you won't be able to spend on things you want to buy.
Choices will be narrowed later because of choices you're making now.
Is what you're doing instead of studying really worth that much?
Or...what if you're not able to get into college at all because of a lack of academic performance?
The College Board says the median high school graduate age 25 and older earns $26,300, while the median college graduate age 25 and older earns $42,200. That college graduate earns an extra $15,500, or 59 percent per year.
Which salary would you prefer?

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