Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Friday

Here's a link to today's poem:

Here are this week's vocabulary words:

1. PHOBIA: "fear," "dislike," "aversion"
acrophobia (n)
agoraphobia (n)
Anglophobia (n)
claustrophobia (n)
Germanophobia (n)
hydrophobia (n)
monophobia (n)
phobia (n)
photophobia (n)
xenophobia (n)
The form phobe at the end of a word means "one who fears or dislikes."
Russophobe (n)
Also: Francophobe, Anglophobe, Germanophobe, etc.
2. PHIL (PHILO): "loving," "fond of"
philanthropist (n)
philanthropy (n)
philately (n)
philharmonic (adj)
philhellenism (n)
philogyny (n)
philology (n)
philosopher (n)
The form phile at the end of a word means "one who loves or supports."
Anglophile (n)
bibliophile (n)
Francophile (n)

Remember, we discussed today some more instances of benevolence in To Kill a Mockingbird, when Boo leaves the gifts for the children.
We also had an example of courage, when Jim goes back for his pants.

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