Thursday, August 7, 2008

Introduction to Mr. T's English Class

Hello everyone.
This is a spot where you can come for information about our class.
While it's not mandatory that you visit here, it might be helpful to look at this from time to time, especially if you have to miss a day. I will post what we do here so that you can stay up to date.
You may also post messages here, but there are a couple of rules:
1. This is a public forum. Anything you say here will be seen by the entire class. Don't be mean or critical! Don't use bad language or threaten anyone. If you violate those rules, I will delete your posts (and depending on the nature of your post, I may have to report the incident to the principal).
2. Have fun. If you have a school-appropriate fun link, video or picture to share, please post it here. Again, everyone can see it, so keep it nice!
See you in class!
Mr. Tolleson

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