Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Tuesday!

Vocabulary Words:
dysentery (n) an infectious disease marked by inflammation and ulceration of the lower part of the bowels, with diarrhea that becomes mucous and hemorrhagic.

dysfunction (n) malfunctioning, as of an organ or structure of the body.

dyslexia (n) any of various reading disorders associated with impairment of the ability to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and visual information.

dyspepsia (n) deranged or impaired digestion; indigestion
{antonym- eupepsia (n) good digestion}

dysphagia (n) difficulty in swallowing.

dysphasia (n) inability to speak or understand words because of a brain lesion.

dystrophy (n) faulty or inadequate nutrition or development.

Today's Quote: "Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own."-- Sydney J. Harr

Here's a link to today's poem: http://www.loc.gov/poetry/180/010.html

In To Kill a Mockingbird, we discussed Bob Ewell and Mayella Ewell's testimony, as well as the testimony of Tom Robinson. We have an example of the theme of benevolence when Tom admits that he helps Mayella because she doesn't have anyone else to help her. We have an example of the theme of innocence when Dill is so upset over the way that Mr. Gilmer is questioning Tom. He is too young and innocent to realize the way the world often works. Does injustice upset you, or do you accept it?

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