Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 2

I'm happy so many of you did so well on today's quiz. For those who didn't, let this serve as a wake-up call to read! Be sure to come see me before or after school if you have any questions. If you need directions to my regular room, just ask!

Remember we talked about the theme of benevolence, when Boo puts the blanket over Scout's shoulders during the fire. That's also an instance of foreshadowing the climax of the book. We also talked about the theme of innocence/loss of innocence, when Scout asks Atticus the meaning of the racial slur she hears at school, as well as when Scout overhears Atticus and Uncle Jack talking, only to realize years later that Atticus knew she was listening, and wanted her to hear what he was saying.

Here's a link to today's poem: http://www.loc.gov/poetry/180/005.html

Today's quote: "The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children." - Clarence Darrow

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